
Linear Hair Design 4 X

start a whole volume to all hair, it is only natural feel fashao. the full meaning of the mass of a dynamic interpretation of women's hair hair full of volume. [item] [/ item] [item] [/ item] features: fine hair, soft, fine worry: a dynamic and not too long hair, straight near the scalp is no toughness and flexibility. liu online to solve their problems: liu deflection in the opposite direction, to clarify the normal contour of the face will side: use a large wave, the shoulder of the next estimate the amount of flu next: vertical mean to add some luster profile: one of the means to belong to the middle of the volume of the shoulder following a beautiful little overall x-shaped contour electric curling iron is one of five preparations, hair wrapped in two parts: five aside 5 minutes to set, so that, use a hair dryer is the owner of the hair to make hair cold air cooling